Wetland & Biological Services
Salix conducts wetland and biological evaluations to the level of detail necessary for the project. Often, the only analysis needed is whether or not a property contains wetlands or habitat for a particular special status species. Typically, a project will require a formal wetland delineation and jurisdictional determination and a biological resources assessment with special status species surveys. Our approach is to conduct what is necessary but not what isn’t.

Salix biologists have been mapping wetlands for thirty years, encompassing well over 1000 properties and hundreds of thousands of acres. The geographic area is centered in Sacramento Region but includes numerous studies in Southern California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona.
We specialize in detailed wetland mapping, both through on-the-ground analysis and aerial photo interpretation. We produce highly detailed and spatially accurate maps and make the data available to the project team. Services include:
- Wetland delineations and mapping
- Riparian habitat assessments and mapping
- Aerial photo interpretation
- Compliance with regulatory requirements
Salix helps clients navigate the complexities of federal, state, and local regulatory processes with pragmatic approaches to the numerous permitting challenges. We work continuously with regulatory agencies at all levels to problem solve and obtain permits. The more frequent compliance agencies include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Regional Water Quality Control Board and County and City municipalities. Typical permits include:
- Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 applications
- Federal Endangered Species Act compliance
- State Clean Water Act Section 401 applications
- State Section 1600 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement applications
- State California Endangered Species Act compliance
- State Historic Properties Compliance (Section 106)


Salix biologists evaluate properties to assess and inventory existing conditions, from which we determine the sensitivity of habitats and likelihood of the occurrence of special status species. As necessary, we conduct preconstruction plant and wildlife surveys, and report the findings and interface with regulators on the findings.
- Site evaluations for existing conditions and special-status species potential
- Preconstruction Surveys
- Preparation of Biological Resource Assessments and Biological Site Assessments
- Vegetation and habitat mapping
- Mitigation monitoring